Saturday, December 26, 2015


It has been some time since the last posting on this site and it is time to correct that if anyone noticed or cared----that's honesty.   I know there are some bloggers of much more import than I and their items go "viral". Think  of the wonderful and sad case of the writer featured in this wknd's NYT article in the year end magazine piece.  Probably the only time that a virus goes viral and it is a good thing.

Let's start with radio,   Specifically WFDU.    My compliments to the new mgmt that has truly moved the most eclectic radio station, on what used to be called a dial, into this new century.   I would also praise the old mgmt (Carl Kraus---leader of the pack ,as the song says)for his years of great service and for his loyalty in most controversies which  I have had on very  rare occasions.  Thanks also go to this eclectic outlet in keeping, as I say, "Yidishkeit on the air".  OK it is also a bumper sticker for WFDU.   Blogger honesty-----WFDU (years back) talked me into doing this program since my main interest and focus was on doing (and still do) TRADITIONS.  The bottom line to all this that I get a great response to SIMCHA and am delighted to keep doing it---AND---keeping Yiddishkeit on the air-----want a bumper sticker?   I can get it for you wholesale.  Go to    Next. Let me mention TRADITIONS and my co-host (who, in nostalgia mode now, asked me to join him over 21 yrs ago---let us now hum Who Knows Where The Time Goes) Ron Olesko.   Admittedly his creation of over 40 yrs ago and, while I may have changed things a bit he did as well-----strange part , to me, he is more current than I now am in some areas.    I think we both agree that entertaining our listener(s) is the prime focus,  I do know that  our audience---that is you--respond to is in a most positive way and seem to like the  new and the old favorites.    Also. the topicality and thematic material.

Let  us now leave the radio comments behind and, briefly, mention some current things on my alleged mind(brain)

   Who would have thought that Mr Rump would have lasted this long in this inane and on=going non-debate.Lincoln/Douglas debate.   JFK/NIXON debated.   This nonsense is Reality TV ala Super Market checkout  magazine...The public eats it up .  Just as they (as the old novel says---"the great unwashed"}go for things like the "inside " items  they discover in People, Us, and,hey, this is a blog---all the other crap the great unwashed find   in the checkout line.

One last thought regarding this furor about "Black Lives Matter"   They sure do.  I understand the point of this.  However, given all the violence in today's sad world---all lives do and would that we all could get that point..  Perhaps Pete Seeger, as usual, got it right.   Listen to Turn Turn Turn again. There is a time---you know the rest.

Hoping for a wonderful, peaceful New Year for you all----stay well.

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